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The following information is provided to help you prepare for your radiology exam. Please take the time to review the appropriate preparation prior to your appointment. For your convenience, the form can be printed by selecting the link below.

Exam Preparations

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Please consider the following guidelines when preparing for an MRI Exam.

  1. We do not perform MRI exams on patients with a pacemaker, cardiac defibrillator or intracranial aneurysm clips.
  2. Weight: The table limit is 400 pounds.
  3. History of cancer: IV contrast is injected on spine exams for patients who have history of cancer within the past 10 years.
  4. Prior surgeries: Patients will need to be Post-Op 8 weeks. Patients need to bring documentation (heart, aneurysm, ear and eye implants).
  5. Worked around metal: If the patient has had any history of metal inflicted into the orbital region, an x-ray of the orbits is needed for clearance before the MRI exam is to be performed.
  6. Insulin pump: The patient needs to consult with their physician to verify if they are okay to be without insulin for a one hour time period. They also need to schedule a time after the exam to have the insulin pump reset.
  7. MRI Pelvis and Abdomen requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to the scan.
  8. MRI Small Bowel Enterography requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for a minimum of 4 hours prior to the exam. The barium can be obtained from our #70 Doctors’ Park office.


All patients having an MR contrast exam will be screened appropriately. A Creatinine/eGFR level is to be obtained for patients at risk for reduced renal function including the following:

  • Age 60 years and older
  • History of multiple myeloma
  • History of renal disease, renal transplantation, renal carcinoma
  • History of liver transplantation, hepato-renal syndrome
  • History of sickle cell anemia
  • Diabetes
  • History of hypertension requiring medical therapy
  • Creatinine needs to be drawn within 30 days of the exam date.


Please consider the following guidelines when preparing for a CT scan.

  1. CT Arteriogram (Aorta, Renal, Carotid, Circle of Willis or other) requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for a minimum of 3 hours prior to exam.
  2. CT Head without and with Contrast, CT Soft Tissue Neck, CT Chest with Contrast requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for a minimum of 3 hours prior to the exam.
  3. CT Small Bowel Enterography requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for a minimum of 4 hours prior to the exam. Barium can be obtained from our #70 Doctors’ Park office.
  4. CT Abdomen without and with Contrast, CT Pelvis without and with Contrast requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to the exam. The patient must drink 2 bottles of barium (barium is an oral contrast that can be obtained from the referring physician or at our office at #70 Doctors’ Park) 2 hours prior to the scan. Please drink half of the second bottle of barium 30 minutes prior to your exam and bring the remaining half bottle with you to your exam.
  5. CT Urogram requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for a minimum of 3 hours prior to exam. The patient should drink 16 ounces of water 1 hour prior to the exam.
  6. Non-IV Contrast examinations do not require special preparation.


All patients having a CT contrast exam will be screened appropriately.

Creatinine/eGFR is to be obtained for patients at risk for reduced renal function including the following:

  • Age 60 years and older
  • History of multiple myeloma
  • History of renal disease, renal transplantation, renal carcinoma, renal nephrectomy
  • History of liver transplantation, hepato-renal syndrome
  • History of sickle cell anemia
  • Diabetes
  • History of hypertension requiring medical therapy
  • Creatinine needs to be drawn within 30 days of the exam date.

Insulin Dependent patients whose preparation requires them to be NPO (nothing by mouth) should receive any modifications on their medication from their referring physician.

Diabetic patients taking Glucophage that receive IV contrast should follow these recommendations:

  • Discontinue medication immediately after the examination and for a time period of up to 48 hours.
  • The patient must contact their referring physician immediately after their CT exam to receive directions on when to restart the Glucophage.


Please consider the following guidelines when preparing for an Ultrasound Exam.

  1. Limited Upper Abdomen, Complete Upper Abdomen requires:
    • The patient should not consume carbonated beverages the evening prior to the exam.
    • The patient needs to eat a FAT-FREE DIET the evening prior to the exam.
    • The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours.
    • The patient may have 1–2 glasses of water if desired that evening.
  2. Duplex Scan of the Aorta requires:
    • The patient should not consume carbonated beverages the evening prior to the exam.
    • The patient should have nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to the exam.
  3. Retroperitoneal Limited or Complete (KIDNEYS) requires:
    • The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours.
    • The day of exam the patient must drink 16 ounces of water 3 hours before exam and hold bladder 2 hours before exam. NOTE: If the patient is scheduled to have a CYSTO procedure, then the preparation should come from the referring physician’s office.
  4. VASCULAR Doppler (CAROTID) requires:
    • The patient should refrain from drinking caffeine or stimulants on the day of the exam.
  5. Pelvis requires:
    • AM appointment: The patient needs to have completed drinking at least 48 ounces of fluid 45 minutes before the scheduled procedure and should not void. NOTE: The patient must eat a FULL MEAL of breakfast and not a snack. You must have a FULL BLADDER by your appointment time. Any fluids the patient drinks with meals should NOT be considered part of the required amount for the exam. Fluids that you drink must be WATER, TEA, JUICE or COFFEE, NOT milk or soda.
    • PM appointment: The patient needs to have completed drinking at least 40 ounces of fluid 45 minutes before the scheduled procedure and should not void. NOTE: The patient must eat a full MEAL of breakfast and lunch. You MUST have a FULL BLADDER by your appointment time. Any fluids the patient drinks with meals should NOT be considered part of the required amount for the exam. Fluids that you drink must be WATER, TEA, JUICE or COFFEE, NOT milk or soda.
    • Patients with a history of Gastric Bypass: The exam should be scheduled late in the day to allow the patient to follow preps. The patient should eat several small meals all day. The patient should drink water all day and at least 3 hours prior to hydrate the body. The patient can empty half of the bladder but continue to drink 1 hour before the exam and hold bladder.
  6. Obstetrical Ultrasound requires:
    • First Trimester: The patient follows the preparation for a Pelvis.
    • Second and Third Trimester: The patient follows the preparation for a Pelvis.
  7. Renal Artery for Stenosis requires:
    • The patient should not consume carbonated beverages the evening prior to exam.
    • The patient may drink water until midnight, then should be NPO (nothing by mouth) after midnight.
    • The patient needs to eat a FAT-FREE DIET the evening prior to the exam.
  8. Abdomen for Pyloric Stenosis on Infants requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink 2 hours prior to the exam.
  9. Ultrasounds of the Breast, Thyroid, Scrotum, Vascular Doppler (Venous) do not require any special preparation.


Please consider the following guidelines when preparing for a Mammography Exam.

Screening Mammography, Diagnostic Mammography and Wire Localization

  1. DO NOT wear any deodorant, body powders or body lotions.
  2. The patient should wear a two-piece outfit.
  3. Any previous mammography films, for exams performed elsewhere, should be brought with the patient.

NOTE: Wire Localization patients must have films sent prior to their appointment and patients should follow surgical preparation guidelines.


Please consider the following guidelines when preparing for a Bone Density Exam. Please inform the technologist if you are pregnant.

  1. The patient should eat a normal diet on the day of the test.
  2. Take your medications as you normally would.
  3. DO NOT take calcium supplements for 24 hours before the test.
  4. DO NOT wear jewelry or body piercings to the examination.

NOTE: The test should be performed prior to oral, rectal or IV contrast studies, or at least 7 days after any of these studies.


Please consider the following guidelines when preparing for a Fluoroscopy Exam.

  1. Barium Swallow requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the exam. (This exam can be performed as a walk-in procedure.)
  2. Barium Enema, Air Contrast Barium Enema requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to the exam. The referring physician’s office will give the patient instructions for a bowel prep kit that can be obtained from a pharmacy with the referring physician’s order.
  3. Upper GI, Upper GI with Small Bowel Series, Small Bowel Series requires: The patient should have nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours.
  4. Hysterosalpingogram require: No preparation. NOTE: The patient should wear a two-piece outfit.